Nike "Covid-19" Promo Concept
Nike Commercial Ad (Covid19) Edited clips together to create a surreal and motivational approach to covid19. Stay safe. I do not own rights to the Nike logo, slogan, music, or the clips. This is just a concept approach for video editing and portfolio development. Video Clips Credit: @pexels @cottonbro @pixabay @oleg.magni @trtdigital @bk_advtravlr @melodyjacob1 @adailtoncn @aleks.magnusson @kellymlacy @tea_for_taryn @mixkit_co / Free videos, Gustavo Fringe, Bhargava Marripati, Pressmaster, Alice Appel, Curtis Adams, Dark Soul, Michaelangelo Buonarroti Speech Credit: Epsilon “Through Hell” (YouTube)